AAPIRC Graduation 2024: Honoring Muhammad Afzaal Hussain (1995-2022)

By Sikandar Awan | May 4th, 2024


While I was thinking about Afzaal these past few days, ever since Miss Farah asked me to say a few words in the memory of Our Afzaal, something happened in my personal life which led me to a few realizations. Bear with me and I hope I can spread my message across.

In Hindi/Urdu, the word “Pardes” is made up of two words. The word “Par” comes from Paraia which means foreign or someone else’s. The word “Des” means country, or world. So a “Pardesi” means someone who is living in a foreign country or a foreign world. Afzaal was one of those who came to a foreign world, left his mark on everyone, made some friends and some foes, worked untiringly towards his goals in life, and had that thirst in his eye where he didn’t only want to move vertically but also horizontally as well.

It’s not easy coming from places like Pakistan, which are still in the aftereffects of colonization, and the chaos it brought to once a rich, cultural South Asia, paving your path in "Pardes", and fighting all the stereotypes you encounter because of your identity, accent, and skin color, and then shine on the foreign skies. Though for a very little while…

Only the person of steel nerves could do it, and Afzaal was one of them. Life and death are in the hands of the Creator, but how we live our life is our own choice. We can either complain, despite the privileges we have, or we can work towards making a difference, and running after our dreams.

I hope that all of us work for the latter and try to be the agent of change we all wish for. I pray for Afzaal and share my condolences to the deceased’s family. 

Thank you.

Read more about Afzaal here: https://www.kob.com/new-mexico/homicide-victim-idd-as-accomplished-unm-grad/.